Day 37) Muxia-Finisterre 29.3 km

Cloudy morning in Finisterre it is going to rain, body touches, hears, smells and tastes, her awareness knows and I am in a very good mood today...
Attention goes where energy flows, but we cannot control emotion without sensational-awareness, mind without the strong nervous system of the body. By losing attention we sacrifice body perception and view ourselves from the point of authority. On the other hand, strong sensational-awareness harnesses the light of consciousness, controls attention and becomes its own authority.

Spiritual evolution must be individual. There is no other way, each of us has a peculiar past to face, obstacles to overcome, identifications to break, but it is similar for all in terms of the goal _ freedom of the soul.

Nothing can be more joyous and satisfying than a smooth and gradual emergence from the ‘River of Life.’ Nothing can be more important than discovery of our true nature, why are we here, what we want from life. Such an approach brings ultimate sense to existence, but how many of us are in touch with her to feel the need and chain we bear?
Arrived to the end of the known world in Roman times, with an open heart and smiling mind. No one is at the lighthouse that looks like a temple where the self awaits, how otherwise the lighthouse is the house of light, but I am still weak to awake.

It is a cloudy afternoon in Finisterre and I must have failed. It is still cloudy in my head and I wonder how much longer it will take...

Day 36) Olveiroa-Muxia 32.5 km

I go to Muxia first and after Finisterre from darkness to light so to speak, but tomorrow it is going to rain, unfortunately not a good sign for the symbol of light, but I cannot wait...
Sound or frequency travels in waves, what does this tell us about catching ego in the wild river of life after the third eye activates? 
If the silver snake straightens the self-awareness, the black snake symbolizes her unconscious extension turning a clear mirror of self-reflection into a muddy river of manifestation.
The dynamic self over its own awareness creates the river of life, but the third eye activation finds the source of unconscious creation and raises sensation until harnessing the self and awakes. 
The unconscious desire never ends, bodies will be born and die, as if male cannot enlighten an external female, only evolving sensational-awareness gives birth to an eternal child.

Harmonious psyche reflects beauty and love, disharmonious aggression and ugliness. We often blame others for our own reflections, but as male/female harmonize awareness recognizes the cause and effect within itself. 

Only the strong awareness is able to love, only the strong awareness has an open heart, becomes one and knows immortality.

The first glimpse of Muxia reveals its mysticism, there is something magical about this place and I hope to recognize and digest her beauty.

Day 35) Negreira-Olveiroa 33.4 km

Lonely morning in Negreira going to Olveiroa today, tomorrow Muxia and the day after tomorrow Finisterre ends my pilgrimage and I am happy.

Planet Venus transits my natal Venus tomorrow and I am trying to make the charming goddess known and friendly, but to embrace Venus must overcome Mars and that is a long and painful journey.
The unconscious-sensation is the beauty and flexibility of an awareness field, she is adaptable and creative, but there is no sensational-awareness without emotion, outgoing and often brutal energy.
Word is sword, black snake reflects self-awareness, and each time emotion escapes and creates unconscious thoughts I cut my own body-awareness by light-word. 
Cutting is reflecting, I reap what I sow. 

The unconscious-sensation is always another and becomes what it reflects, the self dreams to be a physical body, but to make a connection is to know thyself and enjoy the matrix. 

Day 34) Santiago de Compostela- Negreira 20.4 km

Hiking to Negreira today, thinking about the Santiago experience...
As I entered the cathedral last night, a huge red spot pumped up over my right palm, reminding me of a prophetic dream about the animal bite before entering the dark cave with three females waiting to scale my desire.

They take him into inner chamber, but soon return and we come out from the other side into the light of consciousness. I & myself love the light, this is our natural world, but for the animal this is the end, turns on to its back, transforms into cockroach and dispels.
I cannot know myself until I harness my own desire and that's what dark cave represents. The weakness of self-awareness is reflected by unconscious-sensation, but to come out into the light is to overcome ego and awake the self. 
Does Santiago Cathedral as any other church symbolize the dark cave of the moon where the ego reincarnates on earth? 
No one to blame, but weakness of self-awareness. 

Day 33) O Pedrouzo - Santiago de Compostela 19.4 km

Hiking to Santiago de Compostela today, for many pilgrims the final destination, but for me just another step on the way to Finisterre.
Nirvana & Samsara cannot be known at the same time, either sensation falls and reflects or identifies the self and confers immortality.
Total sensational-awareness is enlightenment, love of the essence and freedom of the mind. The unconscious-sensation reflects from darkness, creates fear and death, but to ignore Samsara is to lose Nirvana, because they are the same energy.

We often disregard our deepest desires and fantasies, trying to block unacceptable thoughts by personality, but there is no growth by ignorance. Only those dare to accept and face their own unconscious, raise sensational frequency, and annihilate the self.

I thought eternity was waiting for me in space, the only need is to detach from this world, but life is about refinement of unconscious energy into love of enlightenment.

Day 32) ArzĂșa - O Pedrouzo 19.3 km

Tomorrow I will be in Santiago, the capital of Galicia and its iconic Cathedral, the burial place of the relics of James the Apostle, discovered in the 9th century...

There is no satisfaction, because sensation is eternal and could repeat the same experience indefinitely, until her consciousness evolves strong to harness dynamic force and become aware of infinity.
Humans fear death, until awareness is identified with gender personality, but unconscious-sensation behind reincarnation is an endless source of creation and by ignoring her we lose immortality.
The light seed of the self dreams at the head, but awakens to the conscious universe as sensation returns. To release the self as higher mind, sensational-awareness must overcome ego as lower mind.
To block the natural flow of essence frequency by an educated personality creates a social beast but not an artist, creative potential resides within unconscious-sensation, but weakness of self-awareness opposes it.

Regardless of what you seem to be at present, how weak is your awareness, and what your body looks like, potentiality of evolution dreams at the head and sooner or later awakens to break the soil of darkness and confer immortality.