Day 31) Palas de Rei - ArzĂșa 28.5 km

The final hundred kilometers to Santiago turns busy, groups of pilgrims, mostly schoolchildren block the trail as if traffic jams on a highway.
Hard to focus my attention as noisy crowds pass by all the time, but I AM
always aware of something, either recognizing the self or reflecting unconsciously.
Body feels and nervous system knows, but until it is strong to process information before unconscious reaction, I lose self-awareness under habitual mind. 
Durable magnetic field identifies incoming energies and decides how to react. Flexible awareness controls its own emotion and consciously reflects, but without reintegration with the unconscious-sensation, there is no flexibility. 
The source of a sound vibrates, what does this tell us about body/mind relation?
If the body is the source, and the mind is the sound, how we think depends on sensational vibration, but what defines the body vibration?
Emotional intensity defines sensational vibration and the level of sensational-awareness of how much emotion the body could maintain. Stronger sensational-awareness to utilize her own dynamic force, lighter the body and higher frequency.
Enlightenment is the highest sensational frequency.

Day 30) Portomarin - Palas de Rei 24.8 km

Portomarin is built next to a Roman bridge over the Minho River and rebuilt in the Middle Ages, but I am thinking about the river of life the self finds ego after the third eye activates.

I AM vs ego, but who AM I & who is ego?
I AM the self and ego is my child, but to overcome ego is to become the self and control the mind.

Father awareness vs mother/child, but I AM the self, I AM unconscious-sensation and I AM ego child. Hence to know my true identity and control myself, sensational-awareness must evolve to annihilate ego and harness dynamic energy.

The ego represents weakness of sensational-awareness to withstand emotional frequency, falling and reflection happens simultaneously. However, stronger I AM to maintain the light of consciousness, weaker the ego until the child returns to father and awakes.

After the third eye activation the self makes a connection with my own unconscious-sensation to find the ego and raise. Stronger sensational-awareness weaker ego until evolution of a celestial nervous system turns the river of unconscious manifestation into a clear mirror of self-identification.

Astral river symbolizes unconscious-sensation, weakness of self-awareness manifesting physical reality. I AM is like a mirror for the self, but until strong to transmute desire into love must fall like a river and reflect.

Day 29) Sarria - Portomarin 22.2 km

Sarria is a starting point for many pilgrims, full of life, heritage, cultural and gastronomic traditions, Portomarin is today's destination...
If what we call life is manifestation of my individual awareness, each of us creates and experiences our own reality. 
If the external world is the creation of my sensational vibration, as if in a split second solid reality transforms into the state of enlightenment, it must alter in accordance with my internal intensity.

The light of desire looking out from a physical body and the light of enlightenment is the same light. The self perceives and minds the world from darkness of his own sensation, but when his nervous system is strong to overcome desire, reflects himself without reflection into a clear mirror of I AM and this is enlightenment.

What we call the outer world is manifestation of an unconscious-sensation and to become aware of a creator must evolve sensational-awareness.

The light of enlightenment is the light of the self shining within his own body, but to light up this candle a very strong magnetic field is necessary.

The unconscious-sensation is reflected by the ego, memory fields manipulate how we perceive the world and define the future by the past. To modify existing patterns of manifestation and control the mind, sensational-awareness must evolve strongly to harness the self and purify the body.

Day 28) Triacastela - Sarria 18.4 km

The night rain refreshes Triacastela, a small town overwhelmed by the large influx of pilgrims, the hazy moon hiding above and the cozy wind cheering my heart, today's destination is Sarria...
As if female behind male, and mother for a child, unconscious-sensation motivates every desire and addiction, but to become sensationally aware is to harness the mind and awaken the self.

The self in a form of an animal ego requires external soil to manifest its own consciousness into gender personality and know thyself. 

There is no sensation without awareness, the nervous system sends information to the brain. The same process takes place on a spiritual level, the self experiences this world by unconscious-sensation and receives information by the celestial nervous system, but to know himself directly must return sensation and awake.

To differentiate between the one that senses and the one that knows is to make a connection between the unconscious-sensation and the self, female and male of the same essence.

The seed rises from the soil as if a child from mother’s belly, head of sensations resides within darkness and reincarnates her own awareness into Physical body. To overcome ego is to awaken the light seed of conscious potentiality and rise above the dark soil of the matrix, but until sensational-awareness is strong to support dynamic force, it must fall and reincarnate again.

Maybe that's how the cosmic garden flourishes herself and the aim of the universe is to reverse down flowing unconscious energy into the rising light of the conscious universe?

Day 27) O Cebreiro - Triacastela 20.8 km

O Cebreiro is a beautiful village in Galicia with round stone houses and straw roofs, pre-Romanesque church, the oldest remaining fully intact on the Pilgrim's Route and which contains a Holy Grail. 

Its bells rang during the winter to guide the pilgrims through the mists, but I am thinking about the soil of enlightenment and the seed of consciousness within.

Is so-called enlightenment a light field of creation, as if the earth supports, develops and thrives every living being?
If enlightenment is an universal soil of existence with various frequencies of the mind originating different forms of manifestation,
to reach the seed of your tree, is to identify the entire field and have a free will over creation?
Do we fall or raise from enlightenment?
If the universe starts from unconscious essence thriving itself into manifestation, where awareness comes from, maybe naturally evolves from within, but why?
Maybe the soil is dark until awareness returns to the seed, maybe that is how the universe refines itself to become a conscious creator of its own destiny?
The essence is mechanical but naturally creative, unconsciousness multiplies by incredible speed and the conscious half of the cosmos must outwit it by evolution of the will.

When sensational-awareness is strong enough to harness and direct her own emotion, the animal becomes god, loses fear, knows eternal love and delights into her own being.

Day 26) Villafranca - O Cebreiro 27.8 km

Villafranca is the last important town in Leon rich with monumental heritage, but I am crossing over to Galicia today, the most picturesque and beautiful part of Spain.
Important to recognize instinctive, animal nature of ego, he has no awareness of his own body. The cave symbolizes weakness of sensational-awareness: ego cannot recognize itself in darkness, he could not turn his head towards light to see the self standing behind. 

The ego only could perceive and desire earthly objects as if in Plato's cave allegory. The animal in me experiencing the matrix could not exist in light and fears the self, because if I AM returns he vanishes.  
Ego is not a fixed force, but changes under evolution of self-awareness, stronger his consciousness, weaker ego and there are various stages on the way manifesting subsequent realities.  
We all look like humans, but from a spiritual perspective very different, some are above and some below, but we should not deny the potentiality of growth. Every civilized society must recognize and live by equal rights for all and freedom of expression.

I used to think third eye activation is necessary for awareness evolution, but maybe it just quickens the process. Maybe the archetypal consciousness of humanity slowly transmutes the collective unconscious into a self aware universe.

Day 25) Ponferrada – Villafranca 24.2 km

Cold, but fresh air makes tracking comfortable, but I can't stop thinking about last night's dream, as if a priest was wedding us. I AM with myself on a right shore of river Ganges in Varanasi.
He was wearing all kinds of jewelry, I had nothing and I asked him to give me something to wear, but the priest interrupted and warned _ they do not belong to you, you are not a physical body.
So, who AM I and who is myself?
After the third eye initiation I AM makes connection with my own unconscious-sensation, finds ego by the self, and brings him up to the right shore of the raging river. 
What I call myself is a dreaming reflection of my pure light of consciousness until part of his awareness experiences the matrix. 

I AM the self and enlightenment's prove illusory nature of dreaming identity. Maybe building the house from inside out without the door to come out refers to his annihilation as two poles of the same awareness harmonize. Perhaps annihilation is not a right word, but rather becoming I AM or losing the illusion of independence and individuality.
Maybe the wedding symbolizes original awareness harnessing my own light of consciousness to know who I AM in reality, but there is no spiritual marriage until awareness annihilates male/female polarity.

Day 24) Foncebadon – Ponferrada 26.8 km

Was snowing all night. It is so beautiful outside, but The Cruz de Fierro, or Iron Cross is a steady climb, walking is difficult, cold and windy as well. 
I had a very interesting dream last night about a black bird feeding white and I think they symbolize two halves of a single awareness.
As if black and silver snakes, black and white birds stand for unconscious-sensation vs. self-awareness
and until they harmonize and merge I AM unable to harness my own dynamic energy.
One is left, another is right hand of the same field and for a black bird to feed white must be about sensational transmutation into self identification to annihilate them under a single will.
The silver snake initiates I AM, the single sensational soil and consciousness of the self, but until strong to sustain, falls in a form of a black snake and unconsciously reflect. The self desires weakness of his own body, but stronger her awareness to nourish dynamic force, transmutes desire into love of enlightenment.
Love is about sensing your own emotion, desire reflects weakness of a sensational-awareness, until evolution of a silver snake reintegrates with a black snake and harnesses the self.

Mercurial energy of a silver snake initiates and straightens original awareness and I leave a white marble stone at his feet for gratitude and appreciation.

Day 23) Astorga – Foncebadon 25.8 km

The local stew of Astorga not to be missed, but trekking to Foncebadon this morning and tomorrow will cross the pass where the statue of God Mercury used to stand in Roman times. 
Christians changed it into a cross where pilgrims leave stones as a symbol of overcoming a painful past and hope for a new beginning.  
The painful past reminds me of an unconscious-sensation, but everything dissipates as I detach and awaken the self. 
Various guidebooks have given Foncebadon a reputation for being the home of rabid dogs eager for a tasty pilgrim snack, but in fact the mountain outpost has experienced something of a renaissance. In between utterly ruinous piles of stone are a smattering of lovingly restored old homes, typically shrouded in fog or buried in deep snow and both have their charm, but often there is a problem with accommodation. 
I arrived late in the afternoon to see my fellow man, three guys sitting outside with desperate faces trying to figure out what to do next.

Wow, I thought this could be an unexpected surprise, but they say there is a pension nearby with a single bed left.

I quickly run to the place and guess what _ my bad number is 11.

My birth number is eleven, and since awakening has been following me as a guardian angel, but showing here the day before crossing the pass of Mercury must be a good omen.

Day 22) Villar de Mazarife – Astorga 31.4 km

Today's destination is Astorga offering a culminating work by the Modernist architect Antoni GaudĂ­ _ the Bishop's Palace, also convents and many other structures important to the history of this region in Spain.
Maybe what we call life on earth is a projection of an electric emotion through the darkness of a magnetic sensation like a movie on a three-dimensional screen?

As if a projector requires a permanent light source and darkness of the film to display images on the screen, life on earth requires light of the self and darkness of sensation to simulate material reality. 
The sensation must be in constant motion to create animations and time is a river of life indeed.
Maybe I AM in a form of a dreaming self, identifying part of my awareness with the matrix to play the game of life, and cannot awake until reunite. Maybe the self operates as eternal light source, maybe I AM an unconscious creator of my own destiny, until strong to detach sensation and awake my true identity.

Dream and wake of a physical body resembles spiritual dimension, body falls in dream as sensation drops and takes part of its consciousness with. The same is true for the spiritual world, the self falls in dream as sensation identifies with the matrix and takes part of his awareness with it, but when returns I AM awakes in self as if the material body laughs about the dream.

Day 21) Leon – Villar de Mazarife 21.1 km

The morning star cheers my heart with the message _ as if there is no persona without reincarnation, there is no self-awareness without an internal female. Weaker sensational-awareness to harness the light of consciousness, more unconscious creation and rigid personality.
The self has built the house from inside out and there is no door to come out referring to his own body. The self reflects weakness of his own nervous system, but remains as eternal seed within darkness and actualizes himself by evolution of the will. 
It is so simple at the end, the spiritual body is dark until the light escapes and makes real the outer world vs light inside reflect the self, but she has a nervous system and stronger it is more light reverts.
Evolution of a spiritual body nervous system triggers after the third eye initiation until turns the windows of the body into a clear mirror to harness the self gazing out by desire. If the moon symbolizes weakness of the house where the self reflects the world, she must be responsible for the third eye activation as well. 

There is no matter without inner darkness, reflection & creation happens simultaneously. On one hand the self creates the physical body and on the other defines his own sensation by the unconscious mind. 

The pure light of consciousness shapes into desiring self until sensational-awareness is strong to harness my own dynamic force and see who I AM in reality. Hence astral & material bodies are illusions, shadows cannot exist without reflection and annihilate when I AM strong enough to harness desire.

Stronger sensational-awareness, better protection and higher mastery over reflection. Either we know the self, or experience our own unconscious creation in the expanse of losing true identity.

Day 20) Mansilla de las Mulas – Leon 18.1 km

Mansilla de las Mulas is another small town on the way to Leon with Sistine Chapel, Spanish Romanesque architecture and the old Hospital de San Marcos.
I AM Gela Kirvalidze in this life and only Gods know how many bodies I already had, but to make a connection between head and belly by a single nervous system is to find the cause and reason behind reincarnation.
There are four major female types in Jungian psychology, Eve, Helen, Maria, Sophia and I think they symbolize evolution of self-awareness.
Eve is the lowest sensational frequency often referred to as a harlot. At this level self-awareness is weak, ego is violent, and unconsciously reflects everything she sees, Eve is Lilith.
Helen is beautiful and aristocratic, she charms and manipulates men to accomplish her material needs. At this level the self accepts female supremacy and obeys her will, but she is not strong enough to know love and loses the game at the end. Helen is the last-full mother, Helen is Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, Nefertiti.
Maria-awareness balances emotion/sensation at the heart, knows the self and controls the mind. Maria is a caring mother and wife, shares unconditional love and takes responsibility. 
Sophia is the highest sensational frequency of love, Eve returns to the self in a form of Sophia, two hemispheres of the brain merge as one, and harness the mind by free will of enlightenment.

Day 19) Bercianos del Real Camino – Mansilla de las Mulas 26.7 km

Bercianos del Real Camino is a small village of just over 200 inhabitants, and pilgrims pass them in rapid transition...
If unconscious-sensation is a wave-like extension of the self as a light particle above trinity cave, enlightenment makes perfect sense if awareness releases sensation from eternal movement and identifies the permanent axis.
Enlightenment is the highest awareness frequency of love and freedom of the will, but falling sensation slows down vibration and gives birth to material reality.
If unconscious-sensation is like ocean waving self-awareness between day & night, the self must dream above angling. The self is eternal, the unconscious-sensation moves from one shore to another creating the illusion of time, but to find the fish and regain the mind is to awake the self and become aware of eternity. 
The unconscious-sensation is a dream for the self, but if life is his conscious choice to experience lower frequencies of his own body, must initiate from above, but if it is about evolution, it starts from below and unfolds gradually.
What is the difference between evolution and conscious will?
Only difference seems to be between lives, because if we choose our experiences by conscious self, after death awareness returns to him, but if we evolve from the bottom up, we must remain on an existing level until the next reincarnation. 
Maybe the human psyche evolves like a child, and only after self-mastery experiences the universe by will.

Day 18) Teraddillos de los Templarios – Bercianos del Real Camino 26.7 km

The rising sun looks like the moon today, and the physical body feels solid, but unconscious-sensation is a volatile field of information and changes by the mind.
The self must reflect weakness of his own awareness by the unconscious-mind, but as two hemispheres of a single brain make connection, father finds a child. 
Stronger self-awareness, more sensational-awareness evolve at the same time.

Thinking about the self, remember Adams Peak sharply rising skyward from the lush jungles of Sri Lanka. 
I ascend in the afternoon over a cold and sleepless night, but with rewording sunrise as it drops a perfect triangular shadow over the clouds. Higher the sun shorter the shadow, until overlooks the summit and shadow becomes part of the mountain again.

Maybe the human psyche follows the same rule. I AM is like a mountain with the self at the summit, but sensation falls, creates shadow and reflects unconsciously. On the other hand, stronger sensational-awareness raises the light of consciousness, until reintegrates with the self and the unconscious-sensation becomes part of an original awareness again.
There is no consciousness without the object of perception, I AM always aware of something, the light self is dreaming potentiality of I AM, while the unconscious-sensation always reflects something.

Day 17) Carrion de los Condes – Teraddillos de los Templarios 26.8 km

Carrion de los Condes, was a town of great importance at the time of the old pilgrimages and its medieval origins can be seen in some of the historic buildings. 
Today's destination is Terraddillos de los Templarios, a fief of the Temple military order, founded in 118 in Jerusalem, whose objective was to safeguard the pilgrims. 
If the natural state of awareness is enlightenment, could I resist the temptation to experience lower frequencies of my own consciousness. However, if the matrix is external to my whole being, I must identify a clear sensation with her to gain knowledge of an animal world and play the game of life in eternity?
It's like leaving the comfort zone of your home to explore other parts of the world, but always return with more knowledge of who we are in reality. Maybe we cannot fully appreciate our natural state of being until fall and experience lower dimensions of the psyche?

Have I made a conscious choice to fall, or do I evolve?
If falling sensation reflects a level of self-awareness by the unconscious-mind, maybe the conscious self is able to manipulate sensational frequency as if radio stations of its own body by will? 

AM I already conscious-essence experiencing various frequencies of my own body, or do I evolve from animal to god as another cosmic flower in the universal garden of eternity?

Day 16) Fromista – Carrion de los Condes 19,3 km

Cloudy morning in Fromista, trekking to Carrion de Los Condes today, thinking about the most important numbers _ 3/6 & 9 _ forming a triangle of creation.
Maybe number 9 stands for the self at the summit, or if you look at the triangle from above between two hands of the same body symbolized by numbers 6 and 3.
3+6=9 holy triangle of creation is one and the same being, but without polarization impossible to create anything. Polarization requires disharmony of the field, one pole must be weaker, 3 is half of 6.
Maybe number 9 symbolizes the self, number 3 the unconscious-sensation and number 6 her material reincarnation. The sun, moon, and earth if you like, but to become essence aware, two halves of a single nervous system must make connection and harmonize.
Harmonization balances magnetic polarity, 4,5=4,5 and 4+5 equals 9, meaning in harmonized field each angle becomes 9 as one and the same triangle of enlightenment.
The single awareness field is eternal and limited energy, self-awareness evolves in expanse of an unconscious-sensation, until two hands of the same body balance to sustain and control the light of creation.

Day 15) Castrojeriz – Fromista 24,9 km

Castrojeriz is dominated by the Romanesque/Gothic church of the thirteenth century, Nuestra Senora del Manzano with inverted pentagram on the southern facade, but the sun is about to rise, and I am in here and now with my body.

There is no body without the nervous-system and the mind, memories compose body fields, but
we have two bodies _ conscious & unconscious, wake & dream.

The body awareness knows and the mind reflects, but who controls the mind _ unconscious memories of the past or awareness of now?
Unconscious memories reside within the darkness of sensation, ego has no awareness of his own body. Conscious memories generate over gender reincarnation, one is power of emotion over sensational-awareness and another is opposite.
The unconscious-sensation vs gender personality, but the center of a single body consciousness resides within the self to activate, raise sensation, annihilate habitual memories and reintegrate psyche.  
I often blame others for giving me bad energy, but never blame anyone for your feelings, no one could influence strong awareness against the will, power of outgoing force equals weakness of receptive.  
Human beings transition from animal to god, unconscious-sensation to awareness of a spiritual body. There are many steps on the way and evolution takes time, but stronger I AM higher we raise...

Day 14) Hornillos _ Castrojeriz 20,1 km

Another sunny morning, another black coffee and 21 km a day, body aches, muscles tense, and a couple of blisters on my legs, but deep inside I AM happy.
I mostly travel alone and live alone, preferring my own thoughts to mundane reality. Each time I find myself with people occupied by a monotonous world, I feel depressed and bored. Everything changes as I retreat into my inner world and the self starts talking to me.
I think the famous double slit experiment shows how conscious/unconscious halves of an awareness field behave. Unconscious is the wave-like nature of light and expresses as there is no observer of a particle as consciousness of the light source symbolizing the unconscious river of life. 
On the other hand, the same light behaves as a single photon when we observe the process or become conscious of it.
Maybe a particle is like the potentiality of self-awareness to evolve as another conscious center of an universal brain, but must reintegrate with its own unconscious-sensation symbolized by a black snake.
Black snake is a wave-like extension of self-awareness, but his nervous system is a silver snake and when it is strong enough to raise a sensational vibration it recognizes itself and awakes.
If the universe operates like a brain, by becoming self aware we increase its potential of working. It is like lighting another light bulb making a new conscious connection, all of us participate. Maybe the universal brain we call god evolves by making us self aware that takes time and energy.

Day 13) Burgos - Hornillos 21.0 km

The sun slowly rises over sleeping Burgos, but I AM sensing fear in my belly and the mind is far away. Then I remember the third eye and identify the present moment with my body, but what is the third eye?

As if the heart is the center of the essence, the third eye is the center of an awareness field. Problem of the human psyche is in disharmony between these two fundamental energies, being stronger over knowing.
The initiation begins by activating the heart center over her own awareness field, followed by the third eye opening to straighten individual consciousness until two qualities of the same essence balance under a single will.

There is no being without knowing, no essence without awareness, but to harmonize the heart and brain nervous system is to know yourself and control the mind by conscious attention. Either essence manipulates her own awareness by the unconscious mind, or awareness balances male/female and harnesses the mind.

Dream seems real until the body awakes and the body seems real until the self awakes, believes in death, tries to survive, but to cohere heart and brain is to regain essence awareness and awake. 

I AM the self, I AM unconscious-sensation and I AM the nervous system of my spiritual body.

Day 12) San Juan de Ortega – Burgos 26,1 km

Going to Burgos today, so far the biggest city on the way with one of the oldest and most beautiful Cathedrals in Spain, but religion is an obstacle for spiritual evolution protecting gender personality.

If the black snake symbolizes weakness of self-awareness, unable to recognize its own body, the silver snake initiates evolution of sensational-awareness but how do they harmonize? If black & silver snakes represent two halves of a single spiritual body nervous system, the power of one is the weakness of another.

The self-awareness evolves by transmutation of an unconscious-sensation into sensational-awareness until it annihilates ego and confers spiritual identity.

There is no self-awareness without sensational-awareness, the ego seeks reincarnation unable to recognize his own body, but after the third eye initiation celestial nervous system begins to harmonize two hands of its own body.

Weaker self-awareness, wilder ego and darker spiritual body, but do I fall unable to tackle my own dynamic force, or consciously reduce sensational frequency by will?

We often ignore our deepest desires, trying to block unacceptable thoughts by personality, but there is no growth by ignorance. Only those who dare to delight into their unconscious fantasies raise sensational frequency and harness the self.

Day 11) Belorado – San Juan de Ortega 24,2 km

Medieval and modern past of Belorado is reflected in the temples and remains of fortifications, but to make connection and differentiate between the one that senses and the one that thinks is to reunite body/mind under a single will.

There is no body without the mind, no sensation without thinking, but to stay aware of sensation is to control the mind by will.
The level of self-awareness defines sensational-awareness, persona symbolizes weakness of it, but from the downside up could not change anything. Single eye of a celestial nervous system must open to harmonize male/female at the heart and make a connection with the brain.
The essence is eternal, experiences never ending, but to cohere the heart & brain nervous system is to know I AM before reflecting. 
The unconscious-sensation is always in the past or future, the dreaming self is the potentiality of here & now and when his nervous system is strong enough to identify and know his own body, becomes conscious of a present moment over a habitual mind. 
Stronger sensational-awareness more self-awareness, they evolve at the same time.

Day 10) Santa Domingo – Belorado 22,4 km

Santa Domingo refers to its founder, Dominic de la Calzada, who built a bridge, hospital, and hotel here for pilgrims, other than that there is nothing really interesting here, but my mind is about a free will.

There is no awareness without free will. If you are aware of something, you must have free will over it and to become aware of an unconscious-sensation is to recognize the self and have free will over creative imagination.

Speaking about the spiritual body does not make sense until we understand and recognize the third force of awareness that makes connection and harmonizes male/female within.
I AM the awareness of my spiritual body, but polarize in two hemispheres of the brain, light and darkness, male and female. Male becomes analytical without female awareness and female becomes habitual without male awareness.
At the glimpses of enlightenment two halves of a single awareness merge for a second and reconcile psychic polarity. At the glimpses of enlightenment eternal love shines by free will, but enlightenment's are accidental and unconscious until the celestial nervous system is weak.

Day 9) Najera – Santa Domingo 20,7 km

Today I am walking dusty roads and noisy highways, trying to observe how the psyche operates, but analytical-personality ignores its own sensation and loses awareness of the body.
Dreaming-self in the form of a personality is trying to understand and control unconscious-mind. Weaker his awareness darker the body lower vibrates, and only acceptance reintegrates male/female.

No need to understand enlightenment when you are there. No need to apprehend anything if you sense and become aware.
Evolution of body-awareness refines unconscious-mind, more sensing less thinking, stronger sensational-awareness weaker gender-personality, until unconscious-sensation returns to the self and annihilates male/female polarity.

Do not try to understand sensations, do not ignore fears and desires of your body, but perceive and accept to know who you are in reality.

Day 8) Logrono – Najera 28,9 km

Today's trail is straightforward and easy, passing through vineyards and mostly deserted villages... 
Until emotion & sensation exert equal force over each-other to maintain eternal heartbeat, the spiritual body requires another to become conscious in a form of a gender personality. 
There is no emotion without corresponding sensation, male/female relationship defines how awareness vibrates. As if we do not lose physical body consciousness under heartbeat, harmonized essence confers spiritual body awareness and becomes eternal spirit.
Naive to believe in an unaffected creator before creation, there is no desire without experience, but until I AM between right and left hands is strong to harmonize its own essence, manifests unconsciously and opposes its own creation.

The eternal heart beats within awareness field, but it is very unstable until I AM between emotion & sensation is strong enough to balance fear by desire and vice versa.

Having awareness means potentiality of evolution, but until it is strong to know its own essence becomes the perfect tool for manipulation. Weaker essence awareness easier to educate personality, but never trust teachings, do not believe, only individual experiences evolve true identity.

Day 7) Los Arcos – Logrono 27,8 km

Trekking to Logrono today, the capital of La Rioja of northern Spain with tree-studded squares, narrow streets and hidden corners, famous for its wine production.
Contaminated by education, persona could not accept and reintegrate with its own unconscious-sensation. Experience vs learning, but when self-awareness evolves strongly to make a connection and reintegrate, they merge under a single will and annihilate.
The self knows himself in a form of gender persona until sensation dominates, but enlightenment wakes him for a second and after you are never alone knowing true identity.
Relationship between parents symbolizes psychic disharmony within a child. Stronger child's nervous system harmonizes two halves of its own essence, more loving parents, weaker it is darker mother and more rigid father personality.
Has been raining almost all day, I am wet and pissed off. So many years have passed since awakening, but being over knowing, the heart over the nervous system is still very strong.
Yes, I better identify myself and perceive the true nature of the world. Hopefully I am more sentient than I used to be, but I can't wait to hold male/female together and become aware of the essence.

Day 6) Estella - Los Arcos 21.5 km

On a beautiful sunny morning I am trekking to Los Arcos today, sensations overwhelm, good or bad still the same, the both addictive, attractive and without judgmental personality unable to differentiate.
For conscious-mind body-awareness is necessary, but the self polarizes into two bodies _ conscious persona vs unconscious-sensation, day and night.
Gender persona learns and believes, unconscious-sensation experiences and knows, but until they harmonize and merge I AM loses true identity. 
The mind is unconscious without body-awareness, and the self is unconscious without sensational-awareness.
Perception vs. reflection is very important to identify, perceptive awareness sees the truth, reflective becomes what it reflects. Perceptive awareness is the light of consciousness, reflective is the darkness of a spiritual body. Perceptive awareness is self-awareness, reflective shapes the original field by the unconscious-mind.
Arrived in Los Arcos, generous both in wine and battles, an enclave that has flourished thanks to the constant stream of walkers and because of its privileged position as a crossroad on the Camino.

Day 5) Puente La Reina – Estella 21,6 km

Windy and the cold morning, sun occasionally shows up from the clouds and disappears right away, but my body slowly adjusts to early wake-ups and walking over 20 km a day...

As if sentimentality over rationality is the weakness of a physical body nervous system, the unconscious-sensation over self-awareness is the weakness and darkness of a spiritual body.

I used to think polarity was a hitch, but awareness is the field and every field needs polar opposites to exist. Problem is in disharmony between emotion and sensation, light and darkness within.

Essence and awareness are eternal, but eternity does not imply self-awareness, conscious action, righteousness, the essence is eternal but needs strong awareness.

Maybe we are like cosmic children growing in awareness to harmonize essence as if a child gains knowledge of its own body. Maybe we have to evolve and become cosmic citizens, maybe we are here to learn love and responsibility.

Arriving in Estella
at the end of a day, with Romanesque architecture and beautiful churches, this is what I call the pleasure of trekking...

Day 4) Pamplona – Puente La Reina 23,8 km

New day starts with strong coffee, landscapes are beautiful, and trekking is easy. Puente La Reina literally means "Bridge of the Queen" and it was Queen Muniadora who gave her name to the town and the bridge for the use of pilgrims on their way to Santiago.
Celestial nervous system is like a fluid mercury. Weaker it is to harness dynamic emotion lower falls in a form of an unconscious-sensation and defines herself by reflection.
Darkness of sensation is a weakness of self-awareness, but they represent two poles of the same psyche. Crystal clear mirror transforms into a dirty river under a weak magnetic field.
Intuitive and rational sides of the psyche are in constant conflict. Sensational domination over self-awareness, controls the light of consciousness by the unconscious-mind, and the self opposes her in a form of a gender personality.
Gender persona tries to manipulate unconscious-sensation by education, but the darkness of a female is a weakness of a male nervous system, and to ignore her is to lose perception and creativity. The third eye must open and evolve to balance intuitive & rational sides of the psyche.

Harmonization of a spiritual body is about reintegration of an unconscious-sensation into the original nervous system to know and control its own dynamic force by will.

Day 3) Zubiri – Pamplona 20,4 km

The snoring people follow me like karma and I barely slept last night, but the weather is as good as yesterday morning and today's destination is Pamplona, famous for the annual San Fermin festival running the bulls.

I carry a little clip recorder on my tee-shirt and when interesting thoughts arise quickly record them. After I listened to and wrote this diary, but now I ponder individuality.
Two hemispheres of the brain have a common center, male/female of a spiritual body single awareness.
Male is the left hemisphere of the brain, the north pole and the light of consciousness. Female is the right hemisphere, the south pole and darkness to make a connection and harmonize by a single awareness.

Falling sensation manipulates the light of consciousness by impulsive thinking, the self is potentiality of a spiritual body consciousness, but to awake must raise sensation and to raise sensation his nervous system must straighten and that's what third eye activation initiates. 
So-called third eye is the center of a single nervous system between two hemispheres of the brain, but male/female of a single essence cannot separate. Hence, the unconscious is sensational domination over emotional awareness and what we call conscious is the level of emotional awareness opposing his own sensation in a form of a gender personality. 

On one hand, awareness harmonizes its own essence and on the other, essence bestows true identity, the essence-awareness is to know I AM as an individual and eternal spirit.