The older woman above my bed was snoring all night, but the morning sun cheers my heart and today's destination is a small village Zubiri with picturesque Romanic bridge across the Arga River.
As if the heart is life of a gender body nervous system, eternal essence is life of I AM, Individual Awareness Field. However, until it is strong to harmonize two forces of its own spiritual body, polarizes and loses true identity.
Either essence polarizes its own awareness into light & darkness or awareness harmonizes male & female within its own magnetic field and confers individuality.
As if the heartbeat requires breathing, two qualities of the essence must convert into each-other to maintain eternity. Spiritual heart expends by emotion and by sensation shrinks.
Breathing is vibration, and an entire cosmos breathes, but until Individual Awareness is strong to harmonize inhale and exhale of a spiritual heart, unconsciously reflects external reality.
To know how your essence vibrates pay attention to how you relate to the opposite sex, as well as entire world. This is what AC & DC symbolize in astrology, I vs another, parents reflect each-other to create child.
I used to see light superior to darkness, but there is no day without a night, and to raise spiritual frequency must harmonize male/female under a single will.