Day 18) Teraddillos de los Templarios – Bercianos del Real Camino 26.7 km

The rising sun looks like the moon today, and the physical body feels solid, but unconscious-sensation is a volatile field of information and changes by the mind.
The self must reflect weakness of his own awareness by the unconscious-mind, but as two hemispheres of a single brain make connection, father finds a child. 
Stronger self-awareness, more sensational-awareness evolve at the same time.

Thinking about the self, remember Adams Peak sharply rising skyward from the lush jungles of Sri Lanka. 
I ascend in the afternoon over a cold and sleepless night, but with rewording sunrise as it drops a perfect triangular shadow over the clouds. Higher the sun shorter the shadow, until overlooks the summit and shadow becomes part of the mountain again.

Maybe the human psyche follows the same rule. I AM is like a mountain with the self at the summit, but sensation falls, creates shadow and reflects unconsciously. On the other hand, stronger sensational-awareness raises the light of consciousness, until reintegrates with the self and the unconscious-sensation becomes part of an original awareness again.
There is no consciousness without the object of perception, I AM always aware of something, the light self is dreaming potentiality of I AM, while the unconscious-sensation always reflects something.