Day 1) St Jean - Roncesvalles 24,2 km

Misty clouds over St. Jean, my pilgrimage starts with rain and I have a difficult pass to overcome today, but my mind is about the spiritual meaning of the trail.

In ancient times the pilgrimage used to begin at the temple of Venus in Pyrinea and end at the temple of the Sun in Finisterre, as if making a connection between female & male of the same essence.

As if the heart and brain nervous system of a material body, two energies operate within a spiritual body. The essence is male/female holding hands, emotion & sensation of the same being, and awareness is I AM, Individual Identity of knowing.

Essence and awareness cannot exist without each other, how anything can be if there is no one to be aware, and what an use of knowing if there is nothing to be known.  
There is no being without knowing, no body without the nervous system, the entire Universe exists within God's consciousness, but how we know ourselves depends on an Individual Awareness. Nervous system recognizes the gender body and becomes conscious of the earth, but to experience the Cosmos by will the celestial nervous system must be strong enough to harmonize male/female of the same essence and confer spiritual identity.
It is getting colder as I ascend, the backpack seems heavier by each step and the sun is about to set. At one moment I felt so exhausted thinking where to spend a night over this freezing pass, but with the help of a Croatian friend we finally made it to Roncesvalles at sunset.