Day 10) Santa Domingo – Belorado 22,4 km

Santa Domingo refers to its founder, Dominic de la Calzada, who built a bridge, hospital, and hotel here for pilgrims, other than that there is nothing really interesting here, but my mind is about a free will.

There is no awareness without free will. If you are aware of something, you must have free will over it and to become aware of an unconscious-sensation is to recognize the self and have free will over creative imagination.

Speaking about the spiritual body does not make sense until we understand and recognize the third force of awareness that makes connection and harmonizes male/female within.
I AM the awareness of my spiritual body, but polarize in two hemispheres of the brain, light and darkness, male and female. Male becomes analytical without female awareness and female becomes habitual without male awareness.
At the glimpses of enlightenment two halves of a single awareness merge for a second and reconcile psychic polarity. At the glimpses of enlightenment eternal love shines by free will, but enlightenment's are accidental and unconscious until the celestial nervous system is weak.